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Diablo 2 Set Players

  1. Diablo 2 Player Count
  2. Diablo 2 Players 8 Not Working

The award-winning expansion set to the action RPG classic from Blizzard Entertainment. Available for PC and Mac. The award-winning expansion set to the action RPG classic from Blizzard Entertainment. Available for PC and Mac.

I apologize for creating another thread if one is already created. I did a quick search and there were numerous player 8 threads, however, the clarification for player 8 command was buried couple pages down within the thread. I've played Diablo '1' since it was first on the Playstation '1'. The good old staff of apocalypse and the armor of the whale! A die-hard fan of Diablo 2. Bowazon, Javazon, Orb sorc, ES sorc, Wind Druid and WW sin are some of my favorites. I got off track from the main topic.

In Diablo 2, in a single player game, the player can input a command in the chat interface such as 'Player8 or Player 8'. Note that you can set it to any number from 2 to 8. What that does is. It increased the monster's HP, Experience Gain and LOOT. It only affect monsters that are NOT already on your screen.

It also affect treasure chests, tree logs, urns, etc. I've never beaten Diablo on Player 8 with any other character other than sorceress and Javazon. Sorc was do-able because of a skill called static field. What that does is.

Diablo 2 Set Players

Each time it is cast. The monster's HP is reduced by 1/4. A skill called 'Charged Strike' releases a hand full of electric bolts on strike and with fast attack speed.

Diablo 2 players 8 not working

Diablo do not stand a chance. Star wars battlefront 2 pc download. I got carried away again. TL/DR (Too long/Didn't Read) Player 8 command allows the player to increase the game's difficult as if 7 other players has joined the game. The amount of player can be from 2 to 8. For example, Player 2, Player 3, etc. The benefit is that the monster will give more experience when killed and drop more LOOTs. The down-side is that the monster will have more HP (hit points).

Diablo 2 Player Count

It's 75% per player. 7. 75% = 525% increased HP! Looking on the past patches of D3, the /players X command will be just like MP now.

So it will ONLY increase Monster HP and nothing else. Because IF they changed that then they would have to change it in regular MP as well.

Otherwise who would play regular MP anymore, if using /players X command would net more Monsters and Loot. So if they don't change the current MP mechanics then the /players X command will be useless and just worth a facepalm. My guts tell me that I will have to use 2 hands after the next patch release. If they follow their game correctly, it wont be a 'players X' command, it'd be called something else. It was called that in D2 simply because that is what it simulated, but if it were to simulate that in D3, then all you would see is increased HP with nothing to show for it except longer farm times.

The 'players x' command in D3 will be a difficulty increase with increased rewards for said increase, which is nothing like increasing the amount of players in the game. We could see increased damage, health, maybe even movement speed or less restrictions on the elite properties.

Diablo 2 Players 8 Not Working

Either way, it wont be simulating a player increase.