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Eternal Fleet Battle Cruiser

Eternal FleetGeneral InformationOrganization TypeAutomated operated byCommanding OfficerOwner of theMembersunitsVehiclesOther InformationEraAffiliationThe Eternal Fleet was a vast naval force that affiliated with the during the. It was known as a ancient and unstoppable fleet that was operated by.CompositionThe Eternal Fleet was composed of battlecruisers of an unknown design that had an equal or greater length than that of the utilized by the. These cruisers were highly advanced, possessing cloaking technology, and operated by that served in combat, and were known to be very powerful. The cruisers of the Eternal Fleet were very fast, as only vessels retrofitted with were capable of outrunning them, although and Imperial ships weren't able to compete with them in combat. Every capital ship of the Eternal Fleet that carried a lot of drop ships that could perform in both atmosphere and outer atmosphere combat to land troops, along with engaging starfighters.

Steam Workshop: Space Engineers. Another Star Wars creation! This is an Eternal Empire/Fleet Battle Cruiser. It's a 1 to 1 scale, so I recommend using a good computer while running this. It's pretty basic and not fully completed. This is an Eternal Empire/Fleet Battle Cruiser. It's a 1 to 1 scale, so I recommend using a good computer while running this. It's pretty basic and not fully completed. Work still needed to be done on certain parts, but for the most part, it is complete on the exterior minus small details.

They also possessed boarding pods designed to penetrate the hull of an enemy vessel, allowing their droid occupants to cause damage throughout multiple sections of the ship.HistoryMany centuries before the time earned his title in becoming the 'Immortal Emperor', it is unknown when the builders constructed the Eternal Fleet, but its legacy would live on. The Eternal Fleet was known to be the annihilation of all life in.

It spread across the sectors and conquered almost every inhabited world within the galactic region including and would have still remained enslaved by the conquerors if it wasn't for the appearance of another ship. This one would be forever known as the, a single massive alien warship that countered the Fleet's might; outfitted with specialized weapons designed to take out multiple targets at once, the Gravestone destroyed whole sections of the fleet with a single shot.

The wars lasted for an unknown amount of time before the final battle, fought over Zakuul when the fleet was deactivated and hidden away; as for the Gravestone it returned to Zakuul and landed on the surface with the occupants scuttling the ship themselves with it hidden in the Swamps.Rumors would persist of this unstoppable fleet until they finally reached the ears of Valkorion and came to the last place it was said to be: Zakuul. It was for this reason that he chose the world to house his new Empire; uniting the people under the guise of being the Demon Savior, Valkorion used the power of the Scions of Zakuul to locate the fleet. A little more than a century before, the Eternal Fleet was brought back into operation this time under the control of the. Valkorion used the fleet to carve out a sizable area of Wild Space with the ships being kept close to the capital world being cloaked until needed.

The fleet would see little use from that point on save a few ships collecting tributes from the worlds underneath the Empire's sway, it would not be until a century later that the ships saw true combat once more. And, twin princes of the Eternal Empire attempting to gain their father's admiration proposed on using the fleet to test the strength of the Old Galactic Republic and True Sith Empire to which Valkorion agreed.In a lightning strike, the fleet along with the princes and their attacked the outlying planets of both governments first those in Wild Space then deeper until even and was attacked leaving only devastation in their wake. Sometime after this event, a combined Republic-Imperial fleet led by would, resulting in the capture of both the Sith Lord. After MArr was killed when he attempted to kill the Emperor, Valkorion met his faith when his son Arcann and the Outlander took him down. However, the Outlander was imprisoned to assume the throne and to begin the., the Eternal Fleet attempted to thwart the Outlander's escape from Zakuul, but the Outlander and their allies found the Gravestone, which destroyed more than two dozen ships in a single shot, enabling the warship to bypass the blockade. Later, the Eternal fleet saw action over Asylum. Despite the Gravestone's omnicannon being non-operational, the ship was able to destroy one Eternal Empire ship with its blaster cannon before escaping into hyperspace.Appearances.

(First appearance).

Swtor eternal fleet destroyed

Eternal Fleet Flagship

Contents OverviewA Heavy Cruiser Battle Group, also known as a HCBG, is the primary instrument of a strong forward presence for the. Because of their size and multi-mission capability, they are the unit of choice for missions of importance for the, including diplomatic services, first contact missions, intergalactic exploration and sanction enforcement.Vessels. 1. 4. 16. 9.

4DistributionThe standard distribution of assets in a Heavy Cruiser Battle Group is approximately 3-4, with the Glorious Heritage Class ships and Fingers of Dawn class ships at the core, surrounded by concentric spheres of, ships, and ships. In combat operations, the serves as the general command and control platform, though latency issues tend to put reliance on individual asset commanders to operate somewhat independently. As a result, Heavy Cruiser Battle Group combat doctrine tends to be rigid with respect to the rules of engagement and general maneuvers.See Also.