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Set No Row Count

I have a temp table inside a stored procedure. If you want a specific value, return it from the proc, don't rely on the 'last' statement in the proc yielding the correct @@ROWCOUNT: how is someone later supposed to know they can't add lines to that proc??To do it properly, you should use an OUTPUT parameter.

  1. Set No Row Count Chart
  2. Row Count Ssis

However, in a hurry you might use the return code from the proc itself. Be sure then to return negative values for errors.SELECT StateProvinceID,StateProvinceCode,NameFROMAdventureWorks2012.Person.StateProvinceSET @rowcount = @@ROWCOUNTDrop Table #tbEmployeeRETURN @rowcountEXEC @rowcount =.-@rowcount now contains the row count from the desired SELECT in the proc.


Set No Row Count Chart

Both and are both valid methods of limiting the result sets from a query. They are however very different commands. The TOP clause of a command limits that single command, while the SET ROWCOUNT command limits all eligible queries within the connection until another SET ROWCOUNT is called.If you have several queries where you only want the top 10 rows it might seem better to use SET ROWCOUNT.

Row Count Ssis

Set No Row Count

I am creating a stored procedure in Sql Server 2008 database. I want to return the number of rows affected. Which is a better option SET NOCOUNT OFF or RETURN @@ROWCOUNT? How to Number Rows in Excel. The best way to number the rows in Excel would depend on the kind of data set that you have. For example, you may have a continuous data set that starts from row 1, or a dataset that start from a different row. One of these simple items that should be part of every stored procedure is SET NOCOUNT ON. This one line of code, put at the top of a stored procedure turns off the messages that SQL Server sends back to the client after each T-SQL statement is executed.